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Last update: May 25th, 2004
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Foreword; about Machines PerformancesThere is a common belief that machine performance is steady, except its slow declining in time. Performance like takt time, machining speed, capability remain generally unquestioned. Yet, thorough follow-ups will reveal reality is far from that ideal. Analysis of machine yield often relays on achieved production compared to nominal capacity. Reliability, real yield, real processing time or maker's specs are scarcely
questioned and believed to be true.
Features will always be highlighted by optimistic makers, talking about a perfect world without disruptions
nor impact of human factor...
The goal: be a perfect companyIn old, middle age Japan starvation periods were current. The islands never offered much usable ground and no natural resources. Being careful with commodities management have always been a necessity. Dramatically in postwar Japan, at the time its industry was reborn, all kind of waste was a sin, as the country was down and any piece of material very valuable. This basic (both historical and cultural) background made it natural to Japanese to consider eliminating waste as a way to yield gains. A perfect company achieves to eliminate all types of waste and succeed having: No incidents nor accidents means no production stops, no "human losses", and no extra expenses. No defects means 100% of processing time is wisely used to generate value, without scrap and waste. Zero defects = zero control! In order to minimize machines stops, improve actual machines and to maximize their usage, to decrease operation expenses; postpone or even cancel new investments, as well as introducing newer technologies without repeating former mistakes, it is necessary to:
Zero default = zero check! No quality defects mean:
Work = capacity + wastes Many investments for additional capacity could be postponed or even canceled by eliminating wastes, nagging on capacity. To read more about fighting waste in
TOYOTA style, click here Do not mismatch "creating Added Value faster" and "maximizing machine time!" Action PlanBefore rushing into TPM, targets should be defined with great care. As for
SMED or KAIZEN, improvements in an industrial environment
are nearly infinite and therefore, prior careful analysis is necessary. The share of
Added Value (A.V) in machining time is a key point, because maximizing
does not mean endless activating the resource. When A.V share is known, machine must be used smartly in order to maximize A.V production. Precise standards must be set, as well as tough targets, so that seeking maximum becomes constant action like kaizen is an ongoing effort to improve.
TPM Monitoring - Loss Measurement.The figure above shows well all kind of losses causing machine productivity to drop. Choosing non
acurate monitoring system may not reflect the real situation. To insure a good monitoring and drive
improvement projects, a far more detailed system is requested. Let's see how to calculate OEE and what it components are: A = available time: workshop opening time or possible operating time.
B = gross machining time
C = net machining time
During C good parts as well as defective are processed D = usable time => time producing good parts
With above definitions, we can define three rates: Availability rate = B/A = (Workshop opening time-stops) / Workshop opening time Performance rate = C/B = net running rate x speed yield
with: Net running rate = (quantity processed x cycle time) / (Workshop opening time - stops) Quality rate = D/C = (Total processed quantity - No good quantity) / total processed quantity And finally a super rate: Overall Equipment Efficiency, OEE. OEE = availability x performance x quality
| ![]() Graphic chart courtesy of Hans Peter Staber
OEEOEE is the sole indicator encompassing all parameters which affect productivity of a machine. While computing OEE, if one of the three rates declines, OEE declines as well.
OEERead more about How follow-up of OEE allows a global view, and close examination of its components helps finding out next improvement action. |
In a just-in-time production context, every exceeding production
is a waste, because the units have to be sold at discount prices or disposed.
The wasted time cannot be used to produce useful other production. |
Before starting TPM, few companies are aware of such wastes. |
TPM indicators and metrics seem simple, yet their details and related data can be difficult to gather. Once defined and accepted, these categories will be the database to feed, manually or automatically. For each event affecting the machine, its duration is to be fed into the database, according to category breakdown. This data collection job can quickly become a chore, so it is wise to think and design a system ahead. The proportion of micro-stops is generally totally unknown (unaware) until the first analysis reveals its importance. |
This example is taken from an Automatic Insertion workshop where electronic component are shot through PCB holes. It is suitable to any other activity. Proposed definitions: Machine stop:
A workshop is working daily 8 hours (480 minutes). Machine available time is typically 440 minutes. Machine stops accumulate a total of 50 minutes, which can be broken down in:
Cycle time according to specs is 120 pieces / hour, but actual measurement reveals
100 pieces / hour only. |
Raw machining rate = (440-50) / 440 x 100 = 88.6%
OEE = 0.886 x 0.769 x 0.97 x 100 = 66.1% |
Until now, our explanation about TPM was maintenance focused, but what is it to daily operation?
Operators know their machines well. They usually develop a special relation toward their work tools and are precious 5 sense intelligent sensors able to forecast problems by odor, noise, color or vibrations... |
In order to cope with stops and failures that nag on available time, it is mandatory to analyze the downtime and get to know each machine's reliability and maintenance-ability. Reliability index: MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure)
Maintenance-ability index: MTTR(Mean Time To Repair)
Availability rate
Example: available time
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A From the example: MTBF = (4+2+3+1+1) / 4 = 2,75h MTTR = (2+1+1+0,5) / 4 = 1,125h Availability = MTBF / ( MTTR + MTBF ) = 2,75/(2,75+1,125) = 70,96% |
Analysis: on this machine, mean breakdown duration is 1h 6mn, and mean time
between failures is 2h 3/4. Globally this machine is available for value creation only 71% of its time.
29% is lost in stops and repairs. This machine cannot be let without overview as it stops frequently. Repairs are long, but is it a matter complexity, accessibility,
lack of organization or lack of know how? |
Often, when a machine comes to stop, the typical sequence of events from moment of stop to restart at normal speed is:
This process repeats itself more or less each time the machine stops, regardless to stoppage cause, with variable duration. Responsiveness at each step can be improved: This is SMED
| Each time operator lacks the knowledge to make a minimum diagnostic and fix the simplest problems, he'll have to call for help. This assistance can be:
The risk is than important for stoppage to last, even the cause is simple and could be fixed easily and quickly. Such phenomenon fosters more know-how and more autonomy for production operators. |
Five simple steps to achieve no failures:
Respect basic requirements means to stick to maker's instructions. Neglecting cleansing, lubrication or other basic maintenance operations is a risk factor for fast equipment decay. Saving those operations to increase production time is a no-good, short term choice, ending most likely with an extended repair afterwards. Current maintenance must be thorough fully planed, but cannot be neglected. It is sometimes tempting to modify machine cycle times and speed, timings and other adjustments. Here also there is a risk of accelerated decay and problems in operations, as all equipment components were designed for a specific range. Repairing and mending is a warranty for keeping machine operational. Painting blisters or worn out parts is not only improving cleaner work conditions but is also contribution to 5S housekeeping principles and helps making leakage visible before they turn into serious problem. Improving poor design can take various, more or less technical ways. Machine makers have to solve problems and find solutions suitable for their purpose. Ergonomics and access are often considered secondary compared to design-to-cost constraints. Users and owners should therefore feel free to modify in a more operation-suitable way. |
between production operators and maintenance techs, how to share the tasks? First, look at the table on the right. Once operators prooved a real autonomy and basic know-how, their share can be enriched.. Maintenance techs workload can be lightened by empowering operators to take over simple, routine tasks. This in turn frees valuable time for more complex, technical matter, allows to concentrate on preventive maintenance and improvements. |
What? |
Operator |
Maintenance |
Respect basic conditions |
Mandatory |
Mandatory | |
Respect conditions for use |
Mandatory |
Mandatory | |
Repair any defect |
Do or ask to be done |
Do and record/feedback | |
Improve poor design |
Feedback about difficulties, poor design and suggest improvements |
Study improvements, do or propose | |
Prevent human failures |
Respect work guides and procedures |
Improve work techniques and maintenance | |
Preventive maintenance is made of:
Daily systematic dust and dirt elimination allows early problem detection such as leaks, abnormal worn outs, scrap... Regular tightening check, associated with lubrication extends machine's life, and prevent breakdowns. With maker's documents and recommendations, set the shop standards for cleaning and lubrication. |
Machine theoretical performances are far from actual, daily measured achievements. A lot of disturbing factors cause the performance to drop. Simple follow-up, like "machine work time/shop open time" ratio might therefore be misleading. OEE give a complete, yet synthetic, all encompassing view of the machine efficiency. Further analysis on OEE components highlight where improvement efforts must be focused. TPM does not interfere with "classic" maintenance on fundamentals, but proposes to empower the people in steady contact with machines to take over a part of the job. For them, it is an opportunity to enrich their routine. Well done, TPM improves machine yield, favors team spirit and value operator's contribution to value creation. TPM is a good opportunity to raise operator's skills and know-how, to foster improvement suggestions. TPM should be started in a pilot process or workshop and later extended. Beware not to turn actors into "accountants" as data capture for OEE requires often a huge effort! Don't forget production is about sellable goods, not data! |
Author, Chris HOHMANN, is consultant and trainer. Former production and engineering manager, he practiced TPM and other lean manufacturing tools and techniques.