Last update: decembre 18th, 2004
Benefits of batch size reduction
Keeping same previous example of production line, with two machines M1 and M2.
The left part of the figure below shows the cycles on M1 et M2 in the case production
batch = transfer batch.
Production batch quantity is equal to Q.
qui une fois traitée sur M1 sera transférée pour traitement sur M2.
Total processing time of all parts is t1.
Processing duration on M1 and M2 are figured by white strips.

On the left part of the figure, Production batch (still = Q) is split into
2 transfer batches of Q/2.
Processing duration on M1 and M2 remain unchanged, but as M2 can start as soon as first transfer batch is
done on M1, Total processing time becomes t2,
one third shorter than
Other recommanded readings
Lean Manufacturing
To distinguish production batch and transfer batches helps to: