
Last update: March 3rd, 2010
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Kanban System and supermarket


A kanban (Japanese word) card is a card holding informations related to packaging of product(s) to wich it is associated. To keep it simple, will take an example where package contains a single product, allowing us to associate kanban information directely with product.


  • Every product comming out of fabrication is associated to a kanban card and conversely

  • A product is manufactured only to be associated to a kanban card, meaning if no stand alone kanban cards is waiting for its product, no manufacturing!

  • A kanban card is physicaly located on the product, or waiting for it at production. Corrolary: if a kanban card is not in front of the machine, it's on the product.

  • Consummer picking a product leaves the kanban. This isolated kanban become an order for a new product to replace the one wich was just picked up.

Kanban system

1. No kanban in front of machine means no order, so no production.



2. Kanban(s) in front of machine means as many orders than kanban cards, so production is required for equivalent quantity.



3. As soon as a product is manufactured, kanban is associated.



If many kanban cards wait in front of machine, it means equivalent number of products have been picked-up by consummer. It is time to manufacture the same quantity of products.



The supermarket

The consummer just picked up goods in the supermarket. He takes only products away, kanban cards stay. For stock manager (sometimes machine's operator directely), an isolated kanban "calls" a product to be associated and refill the stock.

In practice, a supermarket contains several references. The stock manager goes checking regularly the status of supermarket shelves. He picks all kanbans and transmits them to fabrication. Production understands order status and manufactures accordingly.

Vending machines are a pretty good example of supermarket system.

The slots (number of rows in front and places in depth) are set accordingly to sales (consumption).

Fast movers (most sold products) will get more slots than slow movers (least sold products), in order to minimize lost sales for shortage between two refillings.

Read on
 HC online

River analogy in inventory reduction
Push flow - pull flow


Generaly, supermarket is in operator sight, so he can decide by visual control.  





The author, Chris HOHMANN, is Managing Partner in an international consulting firm.

He advises companies on industrial and logistics performance issues.

Contact the author



Scheduling with kanbans

As in a real supermarket, space in shelves is limited.
One can refill only the merchandise only if consummers took somme away.

Tis point is fundamental supermarket concept;

    stock is limited, set to covet immediat needs of consummers,
    refill is only the quantity of sold units!

Kanban system originated dureing the visit of a Japanese delegation of industrial of a supermarket in the United States, after WWII.

Concept and name "supermarket" is still used in JIT organizations.

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