Lessons learnt
Lean in European automotive industry

Last update: December 12th, 2008     
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Second Study "Lean in European Automotive Industry"

Lean Production: for makers as well as for tiers, Lean principles deployment is a key success factor. In Germany, the benefits of Lean may keep production locally.

The German Federation of automotive industry VDA testifies productivity increases of more than 70% within only few years among its afiliates. Compared to many other industrial branches this score is remarkable. Yet, in satured western European markets and fierce international competition, additionnal efforts are necessary to keep on the leading edge.

Main targets for this study were decoding the TOYOTA Production System myth, establish an actual benchmarking for Lean production and production systems following a Lean Thinking approach and sense trends for the coming years.

The focus was on Toyota Production System (TPS) modules, on value creation flow ("Value Stream Performance") as evidence for efficient material and products flows and the according key success factors. In 2007, once more the study conducted in German speaking countries, France, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary, showed the positive influence between classical TPS modules and value creation flow.

Werner Geiger (Agamus Consult), "TPS modules that do not reflect in accounting figures have no value. Conversely, if Lean principles are not deployed, economic success may not be possible in mid or long term."

Favored among TPS modules in the actual context, Werner Geiger points the supplier developpment Production levelling (heijunka), quick response systems, a sustainable value creation methodology and periodic supply of material in production.

Best of 2007 & 2006

Read about the learning of 2007 & 2006.

LEAN in Eastern Europe

How and how fast do Lean Manufacturing principles deploy in European (still?) Low Cost Countries? Read our(*) lessons learnt from assignements and Lean survey.

(*) Agamus Consult has its own subsidiary in Slovakia (Bratislava) in order to backup our major French and German clients from automotive and other industries in local languages and cultures.

LEAN and Low Cost car

Low Cost cars is challenging more LEAN...upstreams!

LEAN and company survival While Lean deployment counts usually in years, if not decades, our lessons learnt point out two exceptions; green field (read Lean in East) and struggle for survival.


Lean in European automotive industry survey

Lean in European automotive industry survey

Learn more about our Lean Study in automotive industry and/or join the 2008 edition

Awards 2007

Lean Portal

Author, Chris HOHMANN is director in charge of Lean and Supply Chain practice of Agamus Consult in Paris, France.

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